
The scientific and educational activities of the Olympic Institute are concentrated in two directions. The first of these covers the study of the historical and cultural heritage of the Olympic Games in Olympic sports as an original and exciting part of world culture, as well as its use in the system of humanitarian education. The second direction involves a deep study of the system of sports training in the organic unity of sports and pedagogical, medical-biological, psychological, organizational and managerial knowledge, its systematization and generalization. The fact is that the intensive development of world sports science over the past three decades, due to the sharp increase in popularity, political and social significance of Olympic sports and its financial power, has led to the accumulation of a huge array of empirical knowledge relating to various aspects of athlete training, ranging from the identification of sports talents to participation in world championships and the Olympic Games. The main volume of this knowledge, presented in thousands of scientific publications, requires the study, selection of important and promising information, the rejection of dubious, erroneous or insignificant data and the formation on these principles of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the modern system of training high-class athletes and clear methodological applications to its various aspects and sports. Naturally, the implementation of this approach requires the involvement of highly qualified specialists in the work of the Olympic Institute, who have not only deep knowledge and a broad worldview, but also an understanding of the specifics of coaching, the needs of coaches and other specialists involved in the training of athletes. The orientation of the Olympic Institute to educational activities, based on the achievements of modern science and best practice, involves the reflection of the results of analytical work in generalizing scientific and methodological works, programs of academic disciplines, various forms of organization of the educational process – seminars, conferences, webinars, discussions, testing knowledge, preparation and defense of theses. One of the projects implemented by the Olympic Institute in close cooperation with the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine has become a permanent system of online seminars on the most pressing problems of Olympic sports and training of athletes. Such weekly seminars, held in April-June 2020, found a wide response: each of them was attended by from 500 to 1000 specialists not only from Ukraine, but also from neighboring countries. The most important activity of the Olympic Institute was the opening of a magistracy in the specialty "Sports training and coaching in the Olympic sport". In the master's program, a wide range of special knowledge in the field of sports training is organically complemented by a variety of data from related disciplines, closely related to the quality of the training process and the possibilities for its implementation. No less important are the forms of organization of the educational process. Here, along with traditional forms, confirmed by many years of successful practice, new ones are used that rely on modern information technologies and allow for high-quality continuous training remotely with much less financial, organizational and time resources. Such educational technologies are especially important for high-class athletes who are in year-round training and competitive modes and seek to combine a sports career with an educational one.

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