
Since the 1990s, specialists of the Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture (since 1998.– National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine) actively and fruitfully work in the field of Olympic sports. In 1993, the Department of Olympic Sports was established, and the discipline "Olympic Sport" was introduced into the curriculum. In 1993, the Center for Olympic Studies and Olympic Education was opened on the basis of the department, which in 2013 received the status of international. The active and long-term educational, scientific and international activities of these structures, highly appreciated by the international sports community, led to the opening of the Olympic Educational and Scientific Institute on their basis.  

Main events

1992– meeting of Professor V.m.Platonova and S.And.Guskova with IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch and the head of the International Center for Olympic Studies, Dr. Karl Wendl, to discuss the prospects for the development of educational and scientific activities in the field of Olympic sports and cooperation with the International Olympic Committee. 1993– holding in the cityKyiv of the I International Scientific Congress "Olympic Sport and Sport for All", initiated by the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine and supported by the International Olympic Committee. The congress was attended by 200 specialists from 21 countries. 1993– creation of the Olympic Museum of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. 1993– formation of the fund of the Olympic library of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. 1994– foundation of the publishing house "Olympic Literature". 1994– creation of an international scientific and theoretical journal "Science in Olympic Sport". 1994– publication of the world's first textbook "Olympic Sport" for higher educational institutions of physical education and sports. 1994– presentation of the textbook "Olympic Sport" at the jubilee Olympic Congress of the century, organized by IOC President Juan Antonio Samaranch with the participation of the President of the NOC of Ukraine V.F.Borzov and prominent figures of the international Olympic community. 1995– invitation of Professor V.m.Platonov to give the Crocker Lecture, which is held annually at the University of Western Ontario (Canada). 1997– holding in the city.Kyiv of the II International Scientific Congress "Olympic Sport and Sport for All" under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee and the International Council for Sports Science. The congress was attended by 500 scientists and practitioners from 63 countries. 1997– the beginning of the training of highly qualified specialists – candidates of sciences and doctors of sciences in the specialty "Olympic and professional sports" in accordance with the order of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine dated March 13, 1997. № 86. 1999– award to Professor V.m.Platonov of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology for the textbooks "Olympic sports" and "System of training athletes in Olympic sports". 2000 year– holding in the city Kyiv of the IV International Scientific Congress "Olympic Sport and Sport for All", dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. The congress was attended by 400 leading scientists and other specialists from 40 countries of the world. 2000 year– assignment to Professor M.m.Bulat State Prize in the field of science and technology for the development of the problem of hypoxia by a team of specialists of the outstanding school of Academician M.m.Syrotynina. 2000 year– awarding of Professor V.m.Platonov's highest award of the International Olympic Committee – the Olympic Order – for the publication of a number of fundamental works, an outstanding contribution to the development of science in the field of Olympic sports, which significantly exceeds the scale of the achievements of a single country – Ukraine and is significant for the entire world sports movement, and activities in the name of Olympic education. 2000 year– initiation of the annual All-Ukrainian Olympiads in foreign languages "Student and Olympic Sports" among students of specialized higher educational institutions of Ukraine under the patronage of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine and the Olympic Academy of Ukraine. In 2001– participation in the founding of the International Association of Universities of Physical Education and Sports. Election of Professor V. as presidentm.Platonova. 2002 year – opening of the magistracy "Olympic sports". 2002 year– initiation of the annual holding of international scientific conferences "Actual problems of sports medicine". 2004 year– creation of the laboratory of Olympic education at the Research Institute of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. 2005–2010 years.– conducting research on the topic "Olympic education in general educational institutions of Ukraine" (grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). 2005 year– publication of the "Encyclopedia of Olympic Sports" with the support of the International Olympic Committee and presentation at the Center for Olympic Studies in Lausanne (Switzerland). 2005 year– holding in the city Kyiv IX International Scientific Congress "Olympic Sport and Sport for All", which was attended by 493 participants from 55 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, America, Australia. 2006 year– visit of the eighth President of the International Olympic Committee Jacques Rogge to the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. 2007 year– initiation of the annual International Conferences "Youth and the Olympic Movement". 2008 year– holding the All-Ukrainian conference "Oleksiy Butovsky – a harbinger of the Olympic movement of our time" as part of the celebration of the 170th anniversary of the birth of the educator, teacher and public figure, member of the first composition of the International Olympic Committee, General O.Etc.Butovsky with the participation of the descendants of the general, members of the International Olympic Committee and the Olympic community. 2009 year– publication of fundamental works: the textbook "Olympic Sport" in 2 volumes (edited by V.m.Platonova) and "Encyclopedias of Olympic Sports in Q&A" (in Ukrainian and English) (author M.m.Bulatova), the presentation of which took place at the XIII Olympic Congress in Copenhagen (Denmark). Jacques Rogge was awarded the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine for the creation and publication of these books. 2009 year– creation of the All-Ukrainian network of schools of Olympic education, which successfully works today, uniting 286 institutions of general secondary education of Ukraine. 2009 year- publication of a four-volume collection of works by General O.Etc.Butovsky with the support of the International Olympic Committee. 2010 year– holding in Kyiv the XIV International Scientific Congress "Olympic sport and sport for all", which was attended by more than 700 scientists and specialists in the field of sports and physical culture from more than 50 countries of Europe, Asia, America and Africa. 2010 year– visit of the President of the International Olympic Academy Isidoros Kuvelos to the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. 2010 year – celebration of Professor M.m.The Pierre de Coubertin Damask Medal is the IOC's highest award in education. 2011 year– holding the International scientific and practical conference "Training and competitive loads in modern sports", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding coach and scientist in the field of sports training Professor I.Into.Wrzesniewski. 2011–2016 years.– conducting scientific research on the topic "Historical, organizational, legal and methodological foundations for the implementation of Olympic education in Ukraine" (grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). 2012 year– holding the International scientific and practical conference "Modern system of sports training of gymnasts", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding coach O.C.Myshakova with the participation of his famous students L. C. Latinina, B. And. Shahlina, Y. Is there. Titus and the Olympic public. 2012 year– publication of the monograph "Cultural heritage of ancient Greece and the Olympic Games" (authors M.m.Bulatova, S.N.Bubka), "Olympic sport in society: the history of development and the current state" (author S.N.Bubka) and the fundamental two-volume edition of the Olympic Games. 1896–2012" (by S.N.Bubka, M.m.Bulatova, V.m.Platonov). 2012 year– holding the All-Ukrainian Student Forum "Student and Sports Science" at the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. 2012 year– awarding Professor M.m.Bulatova with the highest awards of the International Olympic Academy "Athena" and "Golden Badge" for significant personal contribution to the development of Olympic education. 2012 year– publication by the European Olympic Committees prepared by Professor M. M.The damask textbook on Olympic education "Your Olympic guidebook", which was republished seven times and to this day serves as a guide during the European Olympic festivals. 2013 year– obtaining international status by the Center for Olympic Studies and Education. 2013 year – holding at the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Olympic Sport: History and Modernity", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Kyiv Olympic Committee. 2013 year– visit of IOC members to the International Center for Olympic Studies at the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. 2014 year– on the initiative of the President of the NOC of Ukraine S.N.Bubki began the implementation of the educational project "Encyclopedia of Olympic Sports" (Professor M.m.Bulatova). 2014 year– celebration of Professor M.m.Bulatova honorary award of the International Society of Olympic Historians – the plaque of Demetrius Vikelas – for his significant contribution to the study of the history of the Olympic movement. 2014 year– with the participation of the NOC of Ukraine, Olympic champions, academic communities, holding a symposium "Modern Olympic Movement: Ideals, Values and Their Implementation". 2015 year– celebration of Professor M.m.Bulatova Honorary Trophy of IOC President Thomas Bach for his significant personal contribution to the development of Olympic education and the dissemination of Olympic values. 2015 year– visit of the President of the International Society of Olympic Historians (ISOH) David Waleczynski to the International Center for Olympic Studies at the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. 2016 year– holding at the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine under the patronage of the NOC of Ukraine the International Forum "Olympic Sport: History and Modernity". 2016 year– election of Professor M.m.Bulatova is a member of the IOC Culture and Olympic Heritage Commission. 2016 year– visit of the President of the European Olympic Committees Janez Kosiancic, during which the prospects for mutual cooperation were discussed. 2017–2019 years.– conducting research on the topic "Implementation of the national idea of becoming a citizen-patriot of Ukraine through the value potential of Olympism" (grant from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine). 2018 year– election of Professor M.m.Bulatova first vice president of the Association of European Olympic Academies. 2019 year– visit of President Ivan de Navasel de Coubertin, a second cousin of Pierre de Coubertin, to the International Center for Olympic Studies of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. 2019 year– visit to Ukraine of the leadership of the Center for Olympic Studies of the International Olympic Committee Maria Bogner and Nuria Puig, their participation in the International Conference "Students and Olympic Sports", familiarization with the activities of the International Center for Olympic Studies and presentation of literature for the center's library. 2019 year – in order to further develop research and educational activities in the field of Olympic sports, the Olympic Educational and Scientific Institute (Olympic Institute) was opened at the National University of Physical Education and Sports.

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