Popular literature

1.  Kyiv physical education: years and people  [for the 60th anniversary of KGIFK] /  I. F. Emchuk, V. S. Zinchenko, A. E. Ivakhin [and others]; composition A. G. Kochur; ed. V. N. Platonov.  – K.: Health, 1990. – 216 p.

2.  Golden pages of Olympic sports of Ukraine. 1894-2000 / V. M. Platonov, M. M. Baka, M. M. Bulatova, O. M. Vaceba, V. I. Havrylyak.  – K.: Olympic Literature, 2000. – 191 p.

3.  Presidents of the International Olympic Committee. Life and activity / in general. ed. Bulatova M. M.  – Kyiv: Olympic Literature, 2001. – 216 p.

4.  Annals of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine (1930-2005) / edited by V. M. Platonov.  – K.: Olimpiyska lit., 2005. – 232 p.

5.  A. D. Butovsky. Collected works in 4 volumes / compiled by Bulatova M.M., Bubka S.N.  – K.: Olympic literature, 2009. – 1st volume – 336 p.
6.  A. D. Butovsky. Collected works in 4 volumes / compiled by Bulatova M.M., Bubka S.N.  – K.: Olympic literature, 2009. – 2nd volume – 424 p.
7.  A. D. Butovsky. Collection composed in 4 volumes / compiled by Bulatova M.M., Bubka S.N.  – K.: Olimpiyska literatura, 2009. – 3rd vol. – 360 p.
8.  A. D. Butovsky. Collected works in 4 volumes / compiled by Bulatova M.M., Bubka S.N.  – K.: Olympic literature, 2009. – 4th volume – 448 p.

9.  Bulatova M.M. Olympic Academy of Ukraine . – K.: 2011. – 108 p.
10.  Bulatova MM Olympic academy of Ukraine . – K.: 2011. – 108 p.

11.  A. Butovsky / compiled by Bulatova M.M., Bubka S.N. – K.: Olympic Literature , 2012. 224 c.

12.  National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine. The chronicle of the great journey / M. Bulatova, M. Dutchak, V. Kashuba, etc .; edited by E.V. Imas. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2015. – 242 p.

13.  Bulatova M. M. Olympic heritage of Ukraine : art album – K.: Olympic literature, 2016 – Book. 1.–128 p.

14.  Bulatova M. M. Olympic heritage of Ukraine : art album – K.: Olympic literature, 2017 – Book. 2.–144 p.
15.  Bulatova M. M. 25 years together. Olympic education  / in general ed. S. N. Bubka, M. M. Bulatova. – K.: 2017. – 128 p.


Dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Sciences, prepared under the guidance of leading professors of ESOI

  • Vysochina N.L. Psychological provision in the system of athletes’ preparation in Olympic sport (2018).
  • Sushko R.O. Theoretical and methodological foundations of developing sports games under the condition of globalization (basketball) (2017).
  • Nikolayenko V.V. System of long-term football players’ preparation to achieve the highest sportsmanship (2015).
  • Oleshko V.G. Modeling, selection and orientation in the system of athletes’ preparation (power sports) (2014).
  • Bubka S.N. Olympic sport: ancient Greek heritage and current state (2014).
  • Kozlova О.К. Theoretical and methodological foundations of preparing elite athletes under the condition of professionalization (track-and-field) (2013).
  • Kostiukevych V.M. Theoretical and methodical foundations of modeling athletes’ training process in team sports (2012).
  • Pavlenko Yu.O Organizational and methodological foundations for forming the scientific and methodological provision for the preparation of national teams for the Olympic Games. (2012).
  • Shynkaruk O.A. Selection of athletes and orientation of their preparation in the process of long-term improvement (Olympic sports) (2011).
  • Kozina Zh.L. Theoretical and methodical foundations of individualization of athletes’ educational and training process in game sports (2010).
  • Michuda Yu.P. Functioning and development of physical culture and sport under market condition  (2008).
  • Bobrovnyk V.I. Formation of highly qualified jumpers’ technical skills in the system of athletic preparation (2007).
  • Yaschur-Novitski Ya. (Poland) Qualified athletes’ physical preparedness as a factor of sportsmanship in sports with variable external conditions of competitions (windsurfing) (2006).
  • Akhmetov R.F. Theoretical and methodical foundations of managing the system of athletes’ long-term preparation in speed and power sports (researches of high jumps) (2006).
  • Diachenko A.Yu. System of improving the qualified athletes’ special endurance rowing (2005).
  • Lisenchuk G.A. Theoretical and methodological foundations of football players’ preparation management (2004).
  • Piatkov V.T. Theoretical and methodological foundations of athletes’ technical and tactical preparation in Olympic shooting exercises (2002).
  • Driukov V.O. System of elaborating four-year cycles of elite athletes’ preparation for the Olympic Games (modern pentathlon) (2002).
  • Sakhnovskyi K.P. Theoretical and methodological foundations of the system of long-term athletic preparation (1997).
  • Savchenko V.G. Foundations of highly qualified athletes’ psychological training (boxing) (1997).
  • Popesku I.K. Formation and development of physical culture and sport for the peoples in the Balkan Peninsula (II century BC–1980s) (1997).
  • Yermakov S.S. Learning the technique of percussion movements in sports games based on their computer models and new simulators (1997).
  • Bulatova M.M. Theoretical and methodological aspects of implementing elite athletes’ functional reserves (1997).
  • Khorshid F.Kh. (Kuwait). Theoretical and methodological foundations of athletic selection in modern sport (1996).
  • Guskov S.I. (Russia) Organizational and socio-economic principles of professional sports development in the United States at the present stage (1992).


Dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Sciences

  • Ulan A.M. Orientation of fencers’ preparation taking into account functional asymmetry (2019).
  • Krol I.M. Cultural heritage of the Olympic movement in the system of Olympic education (2019).
  • Nikitenko O.V. Developing dexterity and coordination of athletes specialized in wrestling and martial arts (hand-to-hand combat) (2019).
  • Diomina A.A. Sociohistorical conditions developing women’s sports in North Africa and the Middle East (2018).
  • Zagitova M.G. Organizational principles of activity of regional centers of Olympic studies and education in (2018).
  • Boiko I.A. Volunteering in Olympic sport (2018).
  • Kovalenko N.P. An athlete under the condition of professionalization and commercialization of elite sport (2017).
  • Yesentaiev Т.К. (Kazakhstan). The environment of athletes’ training and competitive activities (2016).
  • Driukov O.V. Activities of children’s and youth sports schools at the present stage of athletic development (2016).
  • Dobrynska N.V. Improving the highly qualified athletes’ special training in athletic all-around (2015).
  • Bolshakova І.V. Periodization of long-term swimmers’ preparation (2015).
  • Scherbashyn Ya.S. Olympic education in the system of forming schoolchildren’s humanistic values (2014).
  • Lopatenko G.O. Improving the effectiveness of pre-start of qualified athletes’ preparation in fencing based on the use of non-training means (2014).
  • Kozlova N.A. Training centers in the system of athletes’ Olympic preparation (fencing) (2014).
  • Rudkovska Т.І. Monitoring the preparedness of qualified women-athletes specialized in synchronized swimming (2014).
  • Petrova О.О. Organizational and managerial conditions for improving the system of professional development of coaches in sports in Ukraine (2012).
  • Yussef Yu.А. (Lebanon). Social, organizational and legal aspects for developing physical culture and sport in the Republic of Lebanon (2011).
  • Yermolova V.M. Theoretical and methodological principles for integrating Olympic education in the educational process of schoolchildren (2010).
  • Dovgenko Yu.I. Program-targeted management of the material and technical base of Olympic and Paralympic sports in Ukraine (2006).
  • Yarmoliuk O.V. Role of environmental marketing in the development of modern Olympic sport (2005).
  • Mokhamed S.M. (Syria). Historical preconditions and organizational and methodological bases of athletes’ preparation for the Olympic Games (2005).
  • Tomashevskyi V.V. History and development trends of the modern Olympic Games program (2002).
  • Zaide М. (Iran). The main trends in the commercialization of modern Olympic sport (1999).
  • Salnykova S.I. Manifestation of creative abilities in qualified athletes (1998).
  • Khussam М. (Syria). Role and influence of television on the development of modern Olympic sport (1998).
  • Krikos І. (Greece). Organizational, socio-economic and legal aspects of the activities of national Olympic committees of countries occupying leading positions in sport (1997).
  • Meridan Ya. (Israel). Organizational and methodological foundations of the system of children’s and youth sport in Israel (1997).


Congratulations on the successful defense of the thesis of Podgursky S.E.

On January 17, 2023, at a meeting of the specialized academic council DF 07.017.2022 of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, the dissertation work of Stanislav Elbertovich Podgursky was defended. https://uni-sport.edu.ua/content/zahyst-dysertaciynoyi-roboty-u-specializovaniy-vcheniy-radi-df-070172022-nufvsu Congratulations to the applicant and his supervisor Yeremenko O.A. on the successful defense of the thesis!
By admin

Maria Bulatova elected to the Executive Committee of the International Society of Olympic Historians (ISOH)

Congratulations to the Director of the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of NUFVSU, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Maria Bulatova on her election to the Executive Committee of the International Society of Olympic Historians (ISOH).
By admin

Maria Bulatova took part in the third seminar for young ambassadors of the European Youth Olympic Winter Festival

Director of the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of NUFVSU, Vice President of the NOC of Ukraine, Professor Maria Bulatova took part in the third seminar for young ambassadors of the European Youth Olympic Winter Festival, which will be held in January 2023 in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region in northern Italy. At the invitation of the European Olympic Committees, she gave a lecture "Olympic Values", which will be the subject of educational and cultural programs of the festival. The Ukrainian team is preparing to participate in the European…

Professor Maria Bulatova took part in the work of the IOC Commission "Culture and Olympic Heritage"

On November 8, 2022, Director of the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of NUFVSU, Vice President of the NOC of Ukraine, President of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Maria Bulatova took part in the work of the IOC Commission "Culture and Olympic Heritage", which was held at the International Olympic Committee (Lausanne, Switzerland). This was the first meeting of the Commission after changes made to its structure in accordance with the recommendations of the Olympic Agenda 2020+5 on compliance with…

Online event for students "Olympic Tutorial" with the participation of Maria Bulatova

On October 18, the International Seminar "Olympic Up-Tutorial" was held online, aimed at supporting Ukrainian students during martial law. President of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine, Vice President of the Association of European Olympic Academies, Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of NUFVSU, Professor Maria Bulatova congratulated the participants of the event and conveyed the congratulations of the President of the European Olympic Academy Dr. Manfred Lemmer. Interesting reports of the leaders were presented to the attention of the seminar participants…


President of the International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach congratulated the President of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine, Director of the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of NUFVSU, Professor Maria Bulatova with his re-election to a new term of work as a member of the IOC Commission "Culture and Olympic Heritage". The Olympic family of Ukraine joins the congratulations of the IOC President and wishes fruitful further work in preserving the Olympic heritage.


Dear colleagues! Please accept my heartfelt congratulations on your professional holiday – Education Worker's Day, which unites all those who help young people discover the treasury of knowledge, science, wisdom. It is your hard work, conscientious service, tireless creative search and high professionalism that help the younger generation to choose their life path and become true specialists in their field. I sincerely wish you health, creative inspiration, wisdom,…

Maria Bulatova took part in the 15th International Session for the heads of the National Olympic Academies and National Olympic Committees

On July 17, 2022, the President of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine, Professor Maria Bulatova, took part in the 15th International Session for the heads of the National Olympic Academies and the National Olympic Committees, which takes place in the city. Olympia (Greece)This year, the International Olympic Academy resumed offline Sessions after a long hiatus caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.More than 100 NOC and NOA leaders from around the world have gathered in…

Congratulations on the occasion of the celebration of Coach's Day

Dear friends, I sincerely congratulate you on your professional holiday – Coach's Day!You open the way for your pupils to the world of sports, help them achieve high results and significant victories. Thanks to your daily work, the national flag of Ukraine flies over the largest sportsarenas in the world, glorifying our country.I wish you good health, creative inspiration, peace and harmony! Sincerely,President of OAUMaria Bulatova

70 years since the debut of domestic athletes at the Olympic Games

Today, Ukrainian sports community celebrates 70 years since the debut of domestic athletes at the Olympic Games!July 19, 1952 in Helsinki, Ukrainian athletes took part in the Olympic Games for the first time. 26 athletes-our countrymen won 21 awards, among which 10 gold, 10 silver and 1 bronze medals.

Letter from the President of the Association of Participants of the International Olympic Academy (IOAPA)

To Professor Maria BulatovaPresident of the Olympic AcademyUkraineVice-President of the European Olympic Academies Dear Madam, Marie Bulatova! On behalf of the Association of Participants of the International Olympic Academy (IOAPA), I would like to express to you our condolences and concern over the difficult times that Ukraine and its Olympic community are going through. We're thrilled with that,…

International online conference "Olympic and universal human values"

On July 14, 2022, Vice-President of the NOC of Ukraine, President of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine Maria Bulatova took part in the International Online Conference "Olympic and Universal Human Values", which was dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the first performance of Ukrainian athletes at the Olympic Games in Helsinki in 1952.The co-organizers of the event, which took place online, were Dnipropetrovsk and Rivne regional branches of the NOC of Ukraine, Prydniprovsky Lyceum of Chervonohryhorivska AH of Nikopol district, Rivne educational…

Congratulations to the graduate of the magistracy of the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of NUFVSU Vadym Pikiner

Congratulations to Vadym Pikiner, a graduate of the Magistracy of the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of NUFVSU, on receiving a grant to study at the International Academy of Sports Science and Technology in Lausanne (Switzerland) with the program "Advanced Master's Studies in Sports Management and Technology". The "AISTS Solidarity Scholarship", which was awarded to the young scientist, provides an opportunity to provide expenses throughout the entire period of study.From September 1 B. Pikiner gets the opportunity to attend lectures by highly professional specialists and well-known…

62nd Session of the International Olympic Academy for Young Ambassadors

On June 12, 2022, at the legendary Pnix Hill in Athens, Greek President Kateryna Sakellaropoulou inaugurated the 62nd Session of the International Olympic Academy for Young Olympic Ambassadors "Olympic Movement and Olympism in the Digital Age", which was attended by 125 young people from 80 countries. In the official opening…

We invite you to study at the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of NUFVSU!

We invite you to study at the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of NUFVSU!Master's training programs are implemented in the following areas: • Theory and methods of sports training in Olympic sports • Olympic sports and the system of Olympic education • Psychology of sports With questions about studying in the magistracy, please call +380673010531.

11.02.2022 Dean of the Olympic Academy, Professor of the Department of History and Theory of Olympic Sports of the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute of NUFVSU Lidiya Radchenko took part in the International Online Symposium "Olympism: Culture, Education, Education and Values", organized by the National Olympic Committee of Mongolia and the Olympic Academy of Mongolia.

The event was attended by representatives of 10 countries.The resolution of the Symposium states that modern Olympic sports, the Olympic Games are multifaceted, multifactorial systems that include sectors that are socially important for society. An important condition for the development of the Olympic movement in the world is high-quality training of personnel capable of using the value potential of Olympic sports in practice.

Certification of applicants for higher education has begun

Certification of applicants for higher education with the degree of "Master" of the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute has begun!The first steps to the desired diploma have been taken! There's just a bit left!Just go ahead!

OSO Resolution

Plenary session in the field of "Olympic sports and Olympic education in the implementation of sustainable development goals: integration of science and practice" (within the framework of the satellite event of the 5th International Conference "Sustainable Development and Heritage in Sport: Problems and Prospects" on November 30, 2021 at the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine (hereinafter NUFVSU) in accordance with the program of the Conference took place…

Delegation of the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports

On November 28, the Educational and Scientific Olympic Institute was visited by a delegation of the Uzbek State University of Physical Culture and Sports, headed by Fikrat Kerimov, Professor of the Department of Sports Theory of the University, scientific consultant of the NOC of Uzbekistan. The meeting was attended by the director of the Research Institute of Physical Culture and Sports Rashid Matkarimov; Director of the Center for Scientific and Methodological Support, Retraining and Advanced Training of Specialists in Physical Culture and Sports at the…

Congratulations to Prof. Edgar Hoover. Maria Bulatova with election to the Commission of the European Olympic Committees "Culture and Education"

On November 26, during a regular meeting of the Executive Committee, the European Olympic Committees approved the composition of their Commissions for 2022-2025. The EOC Culture and Education Commission included Vice President of the National Olympic Committee of Ukraine, President of the Olympic Academy of Ukraine, Director of the Olympic Educational and Scientific Institute, Professor Maria Bulatova.

Literature for children and adolescents

2004 1. Your first Olympic guide / edited by M.M. Bulatova– K.: Olympic Literature, 2004. – 86 p. 2005 2. Olympic Poster Series, 2005: "Ancient Games", "Renaissance", "Symbols", "Games that conquered the world", "Problems", "Trends", "Olympic Ukraine", "Versatility", "Olympic champions of independent Ukraine", "National Olympic Committee of Ukraine". 3. A series of educational games: "Olympic race", "Olympic lotto", "Olympic travels", "Olympic Games: a journey into antiquity" (2005-2012). 2007 4. Your first Olympic guide (2nd edition) / edited by M.M. Bulatova – K.: Olympic Literature, 2007. – 104 p. 5. Bulatova M.. Your First Olympic Guidebook – Kiev, Olimpijska literature, 2007. – 104 p. 2010 6. Your first Olympic guide is the 3rd ed. add. / edited by M.M. Bulatova– K.: Olympic Literature, 2010. – 108 p. 2011 7. Your Olympic guide / M.M. Bulatova – K., 2011. – 120 p. 8. Bulatova M.. Your Olympic Guidebook – Kiev, Olimpijska literature,   2011. – 104 p. 9. Bubka S.N., Bulatova M.M. Games that conquered the world.– K.: 2011. – 120 p. 2012 10. Olympic poster series, 2012 "Ancient Olympic Games", "Renaissance", "Olympic symbols and ceremonies", "Olympic talismans", "Olympic values", "Games that conquered the world", "Champions of the Olympic Games" (2 posters), "Youth Olympic Games". 2013 11. Bulatova M. Your Olympic Guidebook (2 edition) – Kiev, Olimpijska literature, 2013. – 112 p. 2014 12. Series of 17 posters on the historical heritage of Olympic sports of Ukraine, 2014 2015 13. Bulatova M. Your Olympic Guidebook. – Kiev, Olimpijska literature, 2015.- 104 p. 14. A set of 60 posters that reveals the history of the formation and development of Olympic sports – from antiquity to the present, 2015-2016. 2017 15. Bulatova M.m. Your Olympic. Guidebook EOC. – 2017– 144 c. 16. Bulatova M.m. Your Olympic guide K: 2017. – 144 p. 2018 17. Olympic Games. Journey to antiquity / Bulatova M.M., Yermolova V.M.– K.: 2018. – 48 p. 18. Bulatova M.m. Your first Olympic guide K: 2018. – 128 p. 2019 16. Olympic Games. Vidrodzhennia / Bulatova M.M., Yermolova V.M.– K.: 2019.– 46 p. 17. Games of the XXXII Tokyo Olympics. 2020 / Bulatova M.M., Yermolova V.M., Syvash I. C. Krol I.M.– K.: 2019. – 64 S. 2021 18. XXIV Winter Olympics. Beijing. 2022 / Bulatova M.M., Yermolova V.M., Krol I.M.– K.: 2021. – 64 S.


1990 1. Platonov V. N. Enciclopedia general del ejercicio: El entrenamiento. – Barcelona: Paidotribo, 1990. – 322 p. 1992 2. Platonov V. N., Bulatova M.M. Enciclopedia general del ejercicio: La preparacion fisica. – Barcelona: Paidotribo, 1992. – 407 p. 1998 3. Encyclopaedia of modern Olympic sport / under general editing V.N.Platonova. – K.: Olympic literature, 1998.– 600 p. 2002 4. Encyclopaedia of Olympic sports: [in 5 vols.] / under general editing B.N.Platonova.– K.: Olympic literature, 2002.- T.1.– 496 p. 2004 5. Encyclopaedia of Olympic sports: [in 5 vols.] / under general editing B.N.Platonova.– K.: Olympic literature, 2004.- T.2.– 584 p. 6. Encyclopaedia of Olympic sports: [in 5 vols.] / under general editing B.N.Platonova.– K.: Olympic literature, 2004.- T.3.– 632 p. 7. Encyclopaedia of Olympic sports: [in 5 vols.] / under general editing B.N.Platonova.– K.: Olympic literature, 2004.- T.4.– 607 p. 8. Encyclopaedia of Olympic sports: [in 5 vols.] / under general editing B.N.Platonova.– K.: Olympic literature, 2004.- T.5.– 528 p. 2005 9. Encyclopedia of Olympic Sports of Ukraine / ed. In. M. Platonova.– K.: Olympic Literature, 2005.– 464 p. 2009  10. Bulatova M. Encyclopaedia of Olympic Sports in Questions and Answers. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2009. – 400 p. 11. Bulatova M.m. Encyclopedia of Olympic sports in questions and answers. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2009. – 400 S. 2011 12. Bubka S., Bulatova M. Olympic constellation of Ukraine. Athletes. – K.: Litera, 2011. – 166 13. Bubka S., Bulatova M. Olympic constellation of Ukraine. Coaches. – K.: Litera, 2011. – 264 p. 14. Bubka S.N., Bulatova M.m. Olympic constellation of Ukraine. Athletes. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2011. – 166 p. 15. Bubka S.N., Bulatova M.m. Olympic constellation of Ukraine. Trainers. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2011. – 264 p. 16. Bulatova M.m. Encyclopedia of Olympic sports in questions and answers – K.: Olympic Literature, 2011. – 400 S. (2nd edition) 2015 17. Bubka S., Bulatova M. Track and Field: Encyclopaedia in Questions and Answers – Kyiv : Olimpijska literature, 2015. – 536 p. 2016 18. Bubka S., Bulatova M. Athletics. Encyclopedia of questions and answers. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2016. – 536 p. 19. Bulatova M.m. Olympic Stories. Struggle. – Kyiv: Olympic Literature, 2016 – 256 S. 2017 20. Bulatova M.m. Struggle. Encyclopedia of questions and answers. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2017. – 576 p. 21. Bulatova M.m. Fencing Encyclopedia in Q&A. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2017. – 576 p. 2018 22. Bulatova M.m. Boxing. Encyclopedia in questions and answers. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2018. – 576 p. 23. Bulatova M.m. Figure skating. Encyclopedia in questions and answers. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2018. – 576 p. 2019 24. Bulatova M.m. Tennis. Encyclopedia in questions and answers. – K.: Olympic Literature, 2019. – 576 p.


1.  Platonov V.N. Special physical training of swimmers of the highest ranks . – Kyiv: Zdorovya, 1974. – 240 p.

2.  Platonov V.N., Sakhnovsky P.V. Power training of swimmers (methodology and special equipment) . – K.: Kyiv State Institute of Physical Culture, 1975. – 117 p.

3.  Platonov V.N. Modern sports training  – K.: Zdorovya, 1980. – 336 p.

4.  Zaporozhov V. A., Platonov V. N., Keller V. S. et al. Management of the training process of highly qualified athletes . – K.: Health, 1985. – 192 p.

5.  Platonov V.N. Training of qualified athletes  – M.: Fyzkultura i sport, 1986. – 288 p.

6.  Platonov V. N. L’adaptación des sportifs aux charges dentranement en de competition , 1987. – 427

7.  Platonov VN L’entraînement sportif théorie et methodology . – Paris: Revue EPS, 1988. – 290

8.  Płatonow WN Adaptacja w sporcie. – Warszawa: Resortowe centrum metodyczno-szkoleniowe kultury fizycznej i sportu , 1990. – 232 p.

9.  Optimalizacja struktury treningu sportowego / pod redakcja W. N. Płatonowa, H. Sozanskiego – Warszawa: Resortowe Centrum Metodyczno-Szkoleniowe Kultury Fizycznej i Sportu , 1991. – 334 p.
10.  Platonov V. N. La Adaptación en el deporte. – Barcelona: Paidotribo , 1991. – 314

11.  Platonov V. N. Tratado De La Actividad Fisica: Las Bases Del Entrenamiento Deportivo. – Barcelona: Paidotribo , 1992. – 313

12.  Platonov V. N. La Adaptación en el deporte [2nd ed.] . – Barcelona: Paidotribo, 1994. – 314

13.  Platonov V. M., Bulatova M. M. Physical training of an athlete ,. – K.: Olympic Literature, 1995. – 320 p.

14.  Platonov V. Sports training: theory and methodology . – Perugia: Calzetti-Mariucci, 1996. – 280 p.
15.  Bulatowa MM, Platonow WN Trening w röznych warunkach geoklimatycznych i pogodowych . – Warszawa: Centralny Osrodek Spotru, 1996. – 122 p.
16.  Bulatova M. M., Platonov V. N. Sportsmen in various climate-geographic and weather conditions . – K.: Olimpiyskaya literatura, 1996. – 177 p.

17.  Płatonow W. N Trening wyczynowy w ptywaniu struktura i program. – Warszawa: Resortowe Centrum Metodyczno-Szkoleniowe Kultury Fizycznej i Sportu , 1997. –315 p.
18.  Platonov V. N., Bulatova M. M. La preparación fĭsica . – Barcelona: Paidotribo, 1998. -408 p.

19.  Platonov V. N. El entrenamiento deportivo: teorîa y metodologîa [6a edcion] . – Barcelona: Paidotribo, 1999. – 322 p.
20.  Platonov V. N. Belastug – Ermudung – Leistung. Der moderne Trainingsaufbau . – Munster: Philipka, 1999. – 256 p.

21.  Platonov V.N., Bulatova MM. La preparation física [4 a Edicion] . – Barcelona: Paidotribo, 2001. – 408 p.
22.  Platonov V. N. Teoria general del entrenamiento deportivo olympico . – Barcelona: Paidotribo, 2001 – 486 p.

23.  Doping and ergogenic means in sports / pod obsch. ed. V. N. Platonova . – K.: Olimpiyskaya literatura, 2003. – 576 p.

24.  Platonov V. N. Fundamenti dell’allenamento e dell’attivita di gara . – Calzetti-Mariucci, 2004. – 479 p.
25.  Platonov V. N. Organization dell Allenamento e Dell Attivita Di Gara: teoria generale della preparazione degli atleti negli sport . – Calzetti-Mariucci, 2004. – 384

26.  Platonov V. N., Bulatova M. M. La preparación fĭsica [3 editions] . – Barcelona: Paidotribo, 2007. – 408 p.

27.  Oleynyk S. A., Gunina L. M. Seyfulla R. D. Sports pharmacology and dietology . – Moscow-Kyiv-St. Petersburg: LLC “I.D. Williams”, 2008. – 256 p.

28.  Pharmacology of sports / edited by S.A. Oleynyka, L.M. Gunynoy, R.D. Seyfulls . – Kyiv, Olympic literature, 2010. – 639 p.
29.  Platonov V.N., Oleynyk CA, Gunina L.M. Doping in sports and problems of pharmacological support of athletes’ training . – M.: Sovetsky sport, 2010. -308 p.
30.  Platonov V. N. Sport of the highest achievements and preparation of national teams for the Olympic Games. Domestic and foreign experience: history and modernity . – M.: Sovetsky sport, 2010. – 312 p.

31.  Bulatova M. Cultural heritage of Ancient Greece and Olympic games . – K.: 2011. – 408.
32.  Pavlenko Yu.O. Scientific and methodical support for the training of athletes in Olympic sports . – K.: Olympic Literature, 2011. – 312 p.

33.  Bulatova M.M., Bubka S.N. The cultural heritage of Ancient Greece and the Olympic Games . – K.: Olympic literature, 2012. – 400 p.
34.  Bulatova M.M., Bubka S.N., Platonov V.N. Olympic Games. 1896–1972 . – K.: Olimpiyskaya literatura, 2012. – 496 p.
35. Bulatova M.M., Bubka S.N., Platonov V.N. Olympic Games. 1976–2012 . – K.: Olimpiyskaya literatura, 2012. – 506 p. 36.  Platonov V. N., Pavlenko Yu. A., Tomashevsky V. V. Preparation of national teams for the Olympic Games: history and modernity . – K.: Izdatelsky dom D. Burago, 2012. – 252 p. 

37.  Bulatova M., Bubka S., Platonov V. Olympic Games (1896–1972) . – K.: 2013.– 496 p.
38.  Bulatova M., Bubka S., Platonov V. Olympic Games (1976–2012)  .– K.: 2013.– 506 p.
39.  Bubka SN, Bulatova MM Kyiv – 1913. The First Russian Olympiad . – Kyiv: Olimpijska literature, 2013. – 232 p.
40.  Platonov V. N. Periodization of sports training. General theory and its practical application . – K.: Olimpiyskaya literatura, 2013. – 624 p.
41.  Bubka S.N., Bulatova M.M. Kyiv – 1913. The First Russian Olympiad . – K.: Olympic Literature, 2013. – 232 p.
42. Bubka S.N., Bulatova M.M. Kyiv – 1913. First Russian Olympics / S.N. Bubka, M.M. Bulatova . – K.: Olympiiskaya literatura, 2013. – 232 p.

43.  Platonov VN Modalidades deportivas olympicas, competencias y actividad competencia de los deportistas [Libro 1]; translator Jaime Cruz Cerôn . – Cali: Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2015. – 118 p.
44.  Platonov VN Bases generales del sistema de preparación de los deportistas [Book 2]; translator Jaime Cruz Cerôn .– Cali: Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2015. –400 p.
45.  Platonov VN, Bulatova MM. Preparation fi’sica, tecnico – täctica y psicolögica en los deportistas [Libro 3] ; translator Misael Rivera Echeverry. – Cali- Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2015. – 114 p.
46. Platonov VN Construction of the preparation process deportistas [Libro 4]; taductora, Elena Konovalova . – Cali: Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2015. – 192 p.
47.  Bulatova MM, Platonov VN Selection, orientaciôn, direction y control en el sistema de preparation de deportistas [Libro 5.]; translator Jaime Humberto Leiva Deantonio . – Cali: Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle, 2015. – 210 p.
48.  Platonov VN Periodizarea atrejnementului sportiv. General theory si aplicatiile ei practice . – Bucuresti: Ed. Discobolul, 2015. – 608 p.

49.  Platonov V.N. Motor qualities and physical training of athletes . – K.: Olimpiyskaya literatura, 2017. – 656 p.
50.  Bubka S.N., Platonov V.N., Bulatova M.M., Esentaev T.K. and others. Management of training athletes for the Olympic Games . – K.: Olimpiyskaya literatura, 2017. – 480 p.
51. Bubka S.N., Platonov V.N. Management of training of athletes for the Olympic Games . – Almaty: Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, 2017. – 480 p. 

52.  Dmitriev A.V., Gunina L.M. Fundamentals of sports nutrition . – St. Petersburg: RA “Russian Jeweler”, 2018. – 560 p.
53.  The system of Olympic training: the basics of management / edited by V.M. Platonov . – K.: 2018. – 624 p.

54.  Bubka S.N., Platonov V.N., Bulatova M.M., Esentaev T.K. and others. Management of training athletes for the Olympic Games . – M.: Sport, 2019. – 480 p.
55. Games of the XXXII Olympiad. Tokyo 2020 / for general ed. Bulatova M.M.  – K.: 2019. – 64 p.
56. Olympic sport in the humanitarian education system: educational edition / M. M. Bulatova, S. N. Bubka, V. M. Platonov.  – K.: First printing house, 2019. – 912 p.

57.  Dmitriev A.V., Gunina L.M. Sports nutrition. – Moscow: Sport, 2020. – 640 p.
58.  Hunina L.M. Medical and biological support for the training of hockey players: 2nd edition, revised. and add .; under the editorship L.M. Gunynoy, A.V. Dmitrieva / L.M. Hunina, A.V. Dmitriev, Yu.D. Vinnychuk, N.L. Vysochyna, N.N. September – Moscow: Sport, 2020. – 360 p.
59.  Hunina L.M. Medical and biological support for the training of hockey players: 2nd edition, revised. and add .; under the editorship L.M. Gunynoy, A.V. Dmitrieva / L.M. Hunina, A.V. Dmitriev, Yu.D. Vinnychuk, N.L. Vysochyna, N.N. September – Moscow: Sport, 2020. – 360 p.
60.  S. N. Bubka, M.M. Bulatova Olympic constellation of Ukraine: Athletes. Second edition – K.: Olymp. l-ra, 2020. – 192 p.
61.  Bulatova M.M., Yermolova V.M., Belokurov D.V., Radchenko L.O., Krol I.M. Implementation of the national idea of ​​becoming a citizen-patriot of Ukraine through the valuable potential of Olympism.  Kyiv: National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, 2020. 321 p.

62.  Bulatova M. M. Olympic movement: history and modernity: in 2 books. / Bulatova M.M., Bubka S.N., Platonov V.M.  – K., 2021. – Book. 1. – 640 p.
63.  Bulatova M. M. Olympic movement: history and modernity: in 2 books. / Bulatova M.M., Bubka S.N., Platonov V.M.  – K., 2021. – Book. 2. – 672 p.
64.  V. M. Platonov. Modern system of sports training: a textbook.  – K.: First printing house, 2021. – 672 p.
65.  Olympic Movement in Ukraine: history and modernity / S. N. Bubka, MM Bulatova, VM Yermolova, OM Vatseba and others; edited by SN Bubka, MM Bulatova.  – Kyiv. 2021. – 304 p.
66. The Olympic movement in Ukraine: history and modernity. / S. N. Bubka, M. M. Bulatova, V. M. Yermolova, O. M. Vaceba, etc.; in general ed. S. N. Bubka, M. M. Bulatova.  Kyiv, 2021. – 304 p.